Sunday 1 June 2014

Phone Chat App Cubecakes

First time i heard of chat app cubecakes were from my kid sister, who's quite the techie for her age. That time, still using my old Samsung Wave with Bada as the OS, i was stuck with Palringo and it didnt taste good & pretty bland, but still edible. She told me though Whatsapp isnt Bada-compatible, Viber is... until it turns out Viber's only compatible with newer versions of Bada. So yeah, I was stuck with Palringo.
[wrote a blog entry about it last year too]

After I got  my new LG Optimus phone, I finally got both Whatsapp and Viber, along with 4 other chat apps. In a day, the first one I downloaded was Rocketalk. Second was Viber, third was Kakaotalk. I downloaded Whatsapp and Line the next day and WeChat the day after.

I group Whatsapp and Viber together because identitywise, they dont require us to make usernames and rely heavily on our phone numbers. Plus they dont have timelines and profile pages (cuz you dont really need them) though Viber has more features than Whatsapp, like stickers free call and video call (only available in Viber desktop). Viber Desktop also reminds me of Skype too, their interfaces are a bit similar.

Meanwhile Rocketalk, Kakaotalk, Line and WeChat sorta have this whole profile page thing besides just for chats.
In Line's timeline & KakaoStory, you can post pictures, post links and videos, add your location and also stickers (and in Line you can comment with stickers too). In WeChat you can only post photos in your timeline. If you go to your home, all your posted photos are posted in timestamps, as grids within each timestamp.
Rocketalk is different in terms of design & interface though, cuz you can post media like photos, audio and video, and there's this whole 'hot picks' page thing, where every rocketalk user can see your stuff. The media corner is kinda like Youtube rather than Facebook/Path. And if you go to your profile & view the media, it displays them in a grid. Just like KakaoStory… or like WeChat, but without tiimestamps. Also, unlike Line timeline, KakaoStoy and WeChat timeline, Rocketalk doesn't have a cover photo (like the ones on Facebook & Path).

It's true though, with my parents, I tend to use Whatsapp and Viber a lot due to their simplicity & not much going on like stickers and timelines and yada yada (like WeChat, Kakaotalk & Line) and they make use of the free call often to pick me up from the office back when I'm still working.
With my siblings it's the same with my friends. Stickers here and there cuz hell, they're cute and expressive.

Uuuugh I wanna try those other chat apps mentioned above too (not so much Kik though, IDK why. Probably cuz everyone's already got it), and more, but sadly the memory space in my phone isn't enough.

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